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You Plan the Party..... We'll provide the rest of the magic

Character Parties


Sleepover Tent Rental

Excellent Fundraising Opportunities for:
Schools - Dance teams - Cheerleading teams - Clubs - Daycares - Basketball teams - Soccer clubs  - 

Boy Scouts - Girl Scouts - Lions Groups - Charities - Personal or Group events - and More!

DISCLAIMER: We do not offer any copyrighted characters. Our characters are only from uncopyrighted fables or legends which are in public domain. We have adapted the fitctional characters from all kinds of fables or fairytales. When we create our costumes, we consult the original works for design inspiration.  We understand that you want your child to have a realistic character at your party.  All of our costumes are hand made and are the very finest quality.  Our characters look  like they stepped right off the pages of the original tales they come from.

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